24+ Bath Towel Rack Models and Prices

Towel hanger models we use in the bathrooms shape our decoration by providing integrity with small parts. Stability and durability are important when choosing the bathroom hangers to put our towels in for bathroom decoration. Glued bathroom towel rack models deform over time and lose their durability. We recommend you to buy bath towel rack models that you can mount on the walls. Let’s examine the most beautiful bathroom towel rack models we have prepared for you.

It is the most classic style bathroom towel rack model. The price is 35 liras.

It is a 8-piece bath towel rack model in gold color. The price varies between 70 lira and 85 lira.

It is a bath towel rack model that stands out with its different design.

It is a round towel rack model. The price varies according to the product quality. Round towel rack models range from 10 lira to 45 lira.

It is a 4-fold rotating steel towel rack model. Its price is 125 liras.

If you want to look at different bathroom towel rack models, you can check the gallery we shared.

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