Most Popular Wall Paints This Year

We can examine the wall paints by dividing them into two; interior decoration and exterior decoration. Interior wall paints are used in our rooms, corridors, kitchen and bathroom wall paints. The exterior decoration, on the other hand, is the paint of the exterior walls of the buildings, which is also called the exterior paint. These paints are quite different from each other in terms of both color, texture and technical properties.

Wall paints used in home decoration are determined according to the decoration style of the rooms, their size, windows, that is, how much sun they receive and their lighting. The wall paint of a relatively small room with small windows is not the same as the wall paint of a huge living room. The style and color of each house is different. Despite these differences, there are popular wall paints that are generally appreciated by everyone. In this article, we have brought together the most popular wall paints and usage examples of this year for you. We examined these wall paints in detail, not only in terms of color but also in terms of features.

In children’s rooms, wall paints that can be wiped in warm tones, stain-proof, and even can be painted on are preferred. Because in these rooms children pollute the walls, paint etc. wipeable wall paints can also be preferred on living room and hall walls. You can also choose to wipe the walls instead of painting every year.

Self-patterned or embossed wall paint alternatives are one of the popular applications of recent times. This paint method, which is generally applied to the brush, that is, with relief patterns that appear according to the pattern of the paint roller, has a very elegant appearance. It is used in living rooms and living rooms. You can also see this method, which can be seen in corridor decoration, in bathroom decorations.

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