How should the living room curtain color match be?

Some accessories that were not used in the past have started to be used in modern living room decorations. The coffee tables that we call middle coffee tables have shrunk and changed form and started to be used as coffee tables or coffee tables. Just like this and many such concepts have changed over time. Many things that we used to attach great importance to in home decorations are now obsolete and unusable. The question of how the living room curtain should be in harmony was left when we thought that everything should be compatible with each other in a room. At that time, when we were decorating our rooms, we thought that everything should be in color tones, however, it is actually wrong to use colors in each other’s tones. In today’s modern houses, there is a more aesthetic stance in terms of color harmony. So how are the curtain color matching of modern living rooms?

It is generally thought that the curtains and the seats should be compatible, as well as the carpets. Color harmony does not mean that more than one item must be in the same color tones. Color harmony means that two colors used in the same place complement each other or do not suffocate. For example, you cannot use red and green together. They are both incompatible as they have dark and strong hues. However, you can use blue and white together because these color tones are compatible with each other. While blue is dark and strong, white is calm and clear. As such, the white hue contrasts with blue.

In terms of living room curtain color harmony, it is necessary to look at how the sofas, curtains and carpets actually look in this general color harmony of all the items in the room. Curtains in brown, cream and beige shades generally go well with anything in an average living room decoration. However, if you want to use a curtain with strong color tones such as dark blue, mustard yellow and tile color, then you need to choose sofa sets accordingly. For example, you can combine dark blue curtains with sofa sets in colors such as beige and sand beige.

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